Narayaneeyam Dasakam 17


Narayaneeyam Dasakam 17 - Dhruva Charitam

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Swayambhu Manu's Son Uttanapada had two wives, Suneethi and Suruchi. Suruchi was extremely dear to the King Uttanapada that he neglected his other wife Suneethi. Overwhelmed by grief, Suneethi surrendered at the feet of Lord. 

One day Dhruva, Suneethi's five year old son wished to sit on his father's lap after seeing his step brother Uttama seated. Suruchi scolded Dhruva harshly and pushed him away due to her jealousy which arises out of her lack of devotion for Lord. King was a mute spectator to this incident. Suneethi consoled her son and advised Dhruva to take refuge at Lord's feet. 

Dhruva left to forest and met Sage Narada on his way. Sage Narada gave Dwadashakshara Mantram and taught him how to perform devotion, how the Lord will look like. He reached Madhuvanam and  performed penance for five months.

Pleased with the child's rigorous penance at tender age, Lord appeared before him, seated on Garuda. Soaked in bliss, Dhuruva was speechless, Lord touched the cheek of the boy with his conch.  Dhuruva sang the glory of the God, enlightened with the knowledge gained from the Lord and was  granted the boon of attaining the highest abode, the Dhruvapadam after successful reign over the kingdom with peace and prosperity. 

Dhruva returned to the Kingdom and ruled it peacefully with prosperity, after his father retired to the forest. Later, Uttama was killed by Yaksha and feeling enraged Dhruva raised a war against Yakshas, but with Swayambhu Manu's advice, he dropped the war. Yaksha king Kubera, pleased with his action, wanted to grant a boon, still Dhruva only wanted the boon of permanent devotion to Lord. 

At the most appropriate time, Dhruva along with his mother, was taken to Dhruvalokha by lord's attendants and is living there, ever, happily by Lord's mercy.

Bhattathiri pleased at Lord's kindness to protect his devotees, requested him to cure his ailments. Lord acknowledged his request immediately.

This is the legend of Dhruva, the child man who became a symbol of justice, equality and rights. 

Dasakam: 017 -- Shlokam: 01

जाया बभूव सुरुचिर्नितरामभीष्टा ।
अन्या सुनीतिरिति भर्तुरनादृता सा
त्वामेव नित्यमगति: शरणं गताऽभूत् ॥१॥

uttaanapaada nR^ipatermanunandanasya
jaayaa babhuuva suruchirnitaraamabhiiShTaa |
anyaa suniitiriti bharturanaadR^itaa saa
tvaameva nityamagatiH sharaNaM gataa(a)bhuut || 1

King Uttanapada, the son of Swayambhuva Manu, had two wives, by name Suruchi and Suneethi. The king was very fond of Suruchi. But ignored by her husband, Suneethi altogether having no other support, was helpless. Suneethi took refuge in Thee alone.

Dasakam: 017 -- Shlokam: 02

अङ्के पितु: सुरुचिपुत्रकमुत्तमं तं
दृष्ट्वा ध्रुव: किल सुनीतिसुतोऽधिरोक्ष्यन् ।
आचिक्षिपे किल शिशु: सुतरां सुरुच्या
दुस्सन्त्यजा खलु भवद्विमुखैरसूया ॥२॥

anke pituH suruchiputrakamuttamaM taM
dR^iShTvaa dhruvaH kila suniitisutO(a)dhirOkshyan |
aachikshipe kila shishuH sutaraaM suruchyaa
dussantyajaa khalu bhavadvimukhairasuuyaa || 2

Once when Uttama, son of Suruchi, was sitting on his father's lap, Dhruva, son of Suneethi, wished to do the same but was stopped by Suruchi, who scolded him harshly. Oh Guruvayurappa ! Those who have no devotion to Thee are indeed very jealous at heart.

Dasakam: 017 -- Shlokam: 03

त्वन्मोहिते पितरि पश्यति दारवश्ये
दूरं दुरुक्तिनिहत: स गतो निजाम्बाम् ।
साऽपि स्वकर्मगतिसन्तरणाय पुंसां
त्वत्पादमेव शरणं शिशवे शशंस ॥३॥

tvanmOhite pitari pashyati daaravashye
duuraM duruktinihataH sa gatO nijaambaam |
saa(a)pi svakarmagatisantaraNaaya pumsaaM
tvatpaadameva sharaNaM shishave shashamsa || 3

The hen-pecked king who was blinded by his infatuation for Suruchi silently looked on the cruel treatment meted out by her to the boy.  Deeply wounded at heart, Dhruva then went to his own mother Suneeti. She consoled the child  and advised him that the only way to overcome the evils of one’s own past actions is to seek shelter at Thy feet.

Dasakam: 017 -- Shlokam: 04

आकर्ण्य सोऽपि भवदर्चननिश्चितात्मा
मानी निरेत्य नगरात् किल पञ्चवर्ष: ।
स्त्वामारराध तपसा मधुकाननान्ते ॥४

aakarNya sO(a)pi bhavadarchananishchitaatmaa
maanii niretya nagaraat kila pa~nchavarShaH |
stvaamaararaadha tapasaa madhukaananaante || 4

Following his mother's advice the self respecting Dhruva, who was only five years of age, , became determined to worship Thee, and so left the town. Sage Narada, whom he met on the way realised the strength of Dhruva’s determination taught him the method of worshipping Thee by reciting Mantras. With that knowledge, he proceeded to the forest, Madhuvana, to do penance.

Dasakam: 017 -- Shlokam: 05

ताते विषण्णहृदये नगरीं गतेन
श्रीनारदेन परिसान्त्वितचित्तवृत्तौ ।
बालस्त्वदर्पितमना: क्रमवर्धितेन
निन्ये कठोरतपसा किल पञ्चमासान् ॥५॥

taate viShaNNahR^idaye nagariiM gatena
shriinaaradena parisaanitvatachittavR^ittau |
baalastvadarpitamanaaH kramavardhitena
ninye kaThOratapasaa kila pa~nchamaasaan || 5

King Uttanapada, who was grieving at heart, after Dhruva's departure to the forest was consoled by Narada, who came to the palace. Meanwhile the boy with his mind fully dedicated to Thee spent five months in severe penance, with increasing intensity.

Dasakam: 017 -- Shlokam: 06

तावत्तपोबलनिरुच्छ्-वसिते दिगन्ते
देवार्थितस्त्वमुदयत्करुणार्द्रचेता: ।
त्वद्रूपचिद्रसनिलीनमते: पुरस्ता-
दाविर्बभूविथ विभो गरुडाधिरूढ: ॥६॥

taavattapObalaniruchChvasite digante
devaarthitastvamudayatkaruNaardrachetaaH |
tvadruupachidrasaniliinamateH purastaa-
daavirbabhuuvitha vibhO garuDaadhiruuDhaH || 6

Then, when all around in all the directions there was suffocation by the power of Dhruva's penance, the devas were seeking relief. The gods prayed to Thee to save them. So, with Thy heart overflowing with mercy, Thou appeared, seated on Garuda, before Dhruva, , whose heart was fully immersed in Thy divine ecstatic form.

Dasakam: 017 -- Shlokam: 07

त्वद्दर्शनप्रमदभारतरङ्गितं तं
दृग्भ्यां निमग्नमिव रूपरसायने ते ।
तुष्टूषमाणमवगम्य कपोलदेशे
संस्पृष्टवानसि दरेण तथाऽऽदरेण ॥७॥

tvaddarshanapramadabhaaratarangitaM taM
dR^igbhyaaM nimagnamiva ruuparasaayane te |
tuShTuuShamaaNamavagamya kapOladeshe
samspR^iShTavaanasi dareNa tathaa(a)dareNa || 7

Thy divine appearance, Dhruva was completely overwhelmed, filled with waves of ecstasy. As his eyes were deeply submerged in the nectar of Thy form, he was kindled with the desire to praise Thee. Knowing his desire, realising his incapability of finding words, Thou gently caressed his cheek, with Thy conch.

Dasakam: 017 -- Shlokam: 08

तावद्विबोधविमलं प्रणुवन्तमेन-
माभाषथास्त्वमवगम्य तदीयभावम् ।
राज्यं चिरं समनुभूय भजस्व भूय:
सर्वोत्तरं ध्रुव पदं विनिवृत्तिहीनम् ॥८॥

aabhaaShathaastvamavagamya tadiiyabhaavam |
raajyaM chiraM samanubhuuya bhajasva bhuuyaH
sarvOttaraM dhruva padaM vinivR^ittihiinam || 8

Then Dhruva, with his mind, purified and enlightened by Thy divine touch, He then sang Thy praise profusely, having been purified and enlightened by pure knowledge. Knowing what he had in mind, Thou blessed him to enjoy the kingdom for long and Thou then granted him the boon of attaining the highest abode, the Dhruvapadam, from which there would be no return to the nether regions or where there is no return to lower states.

Dasakam: 017 -- Shlokam: 09

इत्यूचिषि त्वयि गते नृपनन्दनोऽसा-
वानन्दिताखिलजनो नगरीमुपेत: ।
रेमे चिरं भवदनुग्रहपूर्णकाम-
स्ताते गते च वनमादृतराज्यभार: ॥९॥

vaananditaakhilajanO nagariimupetaH |
reme chiraM bhavadanugrahapuurNakaama-
staate gate cha vanamaadR^itaraajyabhaaraH ||9

When Thou disappeared after having said so, this prince Dhruva came back to town delighting all people. When his father had gone to the forest, taking over the administration of the kingdom, with all his aspirations fulfilled by Thy grace, he lived happily for a long time.

Dasakam: 017 -- Shlokam: 10

यक्षेण देव निहते पुनरुत्तमेऽस्मिन्
यक्षै: स युद्धनिरतो विरतो मनूक्त्या ।
शान्त्या प्रसन्नहृदयाद्धनदादुपेता-
त्त्वद्भक्तिमेव सुदृढामवृणोन्महात्मा ॥१०॥

yaksheNa deva nihate punaruttame(a)smin
yakshaiH sa yuddhaniratO viratO manuuktyaa |
shaantyaa prasannahR^idayaaddhanadaadupetaat-
tvadbhaktimeva sudR^iDhaamavR^iNOnmahaatmaa || 10

Oh Guruvayurappa ! Once when Dhruva's brother, Uttama, was killed by a Yaksha, he was determined to wage war against the Yakshas, but in compliance with the request of Swayambhuva Manu, Dhruva withdrew from the war. Kubera, the king of the Yakshas, being pleased with Dhruva's forbearance, granted him a boon, but the large hearted Dhruva, asked only for the boon of firm devotion to Thee.

Dasakam: 017 -- Shlokam: 11

अन्ते भवत्पुरुषनीतविमानयातो
मात्रा समं ध्रुवपदे मुदितोऽयमास्ते ।
एवं स्वभृत्यजनपालनलोलधीस्त्वं
वातालयाधिप निरुन्धि ममामयौघान् ॥११॥

ante bhavatpuruShaniitavimaanayaatO
maatraa samaM dhruvapade muditO(a)yamaaste |
evaM svabhR^ityajanapaalanalOladhiistvaM
vaataalayaadhipa nirundhi mamaamayaughaan ||11

Finally, leaving along with his mother in the celestial car brought by Thy attendents, he is even now living happily in Dhruvaloka. O Lord of Guruvaayur! Who are ever intent on protecting Thy devotees, cure my hoards of ailments.


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